Nov 27, 2019
What's the latest from Climate activist Brian Ettling? He's been at this work since 2012, specifically working toward U.S. legislation through the Citizens Climate Lobby, and speaking up about it!.
Brian catches up on his work as Chair, Climate Reality Project in Portland, Oregon -...
Nov 19, 2019
Ecology is still relatively "new" to circles of scientific respect, but Indigenous peoples world-wide have grown scientific, creative and functional expertise from ecological understanding, as long as humans have been around. What can we learn from this today?
Ecologist Alejandro Frid works and...
Nov 13, 2019
Environmental problems make a lot of news, but solutions are in the works in many places too. Where thinking around a whole system is taking place, ideas-in-action deserve a listen!
Beth Porter, Climate Campaigns Director for the DC based non-profit Green America, digs into making solutions work,...